What is ThetaHealing®?

ThetaHealing®, a meditation technique offering intuitive guidance and messaging, provides a calm and relaxed gateway towards the conscious recognition and integration of unconscious limiting beliefs. Once recognized, these blocks lose their power and begin to dissolve, paving the way to wisdom, inner strength and new, productive coping mechanisms. The client begins to understand how and why they formed self-sabotaging beliefs and how they have been benefiting from them in some way, keeping them in place. For example, a young girl who received unwanted attention from another during childhood becomes overweight in an unconscious effort to divert that attention away. Her subconscious survival tactic worked. As an adult she tries to lose weight but always regains it. Her survival self is doing its job by protecting her. The survival software she installed years before is out of date and has been for a long time. Once the adult understands that their child’s version of survival once served them well but has in fact become a hindrance, it is released in favour of an updated, emotionally balanced version, which is intentionally chosen and ‘downloaded’, this time to the conscious mind. Problem behaviours and fear-based thought patterns are regarded with compassion and self-acceptance. Old maladaptive coping behaviours are clearly understood and released. Positively charged, healthy beliefs are introduced. The client evolves into a more centred, calm and wise version of themselves. Life gains ease and flow. Results are achieved in as little as one session. More sessions may be recommended depending on the depth/complexity of the belief systems. 

  • Expect to be welcomed to a calm, gentle, and safe space where you can be yourself. We will take a few moments to discuss what you would like to work on/accomplish. If you are unsure as to what this might be, we will move toward what comes up organically as we begin talking. Sessions often have a meditative feel, and include intuitive messaging and guidance. I will have my eyes closed throughout, and I suggest the client do the same, so as to limit distraction and achieve as much connection to your inner world as possible.

  • The key is to be open, receptive, and collaborative, but it is not but it is not necessary to have a belief in a higher power. I find that it does help to be open to the possibility of a supportive force or energy, which can be known as The Universal Field of Intelligence, Creation or Source, for example. Neither ThetaHealing® nor EFT/Tapping have any religious affiliation.

  • Take a moment to think over what you would like to work on. I will lead as we explore the issue, pinpointing how it has created hidden blocks and hindered your progress through gentle and directive questioning. If you are not sure what you would like to work on, ask yourself, “If I could change anything in my life right now, what would it be?" Holding an intention of openness and readiness for positive change and healing will lead to a deeper experience.

  • Distance/Remote healing works on the principle of quantum entanglement, which demonstrates that everything in the universe is connected energetically. The healing energy and intention of the practitioner is transferred to the client through this connection, regardless of the physical distance between them. I am now booking remote sessions via Zoom.

  • I find the more comfortable you are physically, the more you can focus on the healing work. So yes, comfortable clothes are recommended.

“Jill is an extraordinary healer. I have worked with her in ThetaHealing® sessions for years. Right from the start, I felt at ease with her kind, loving, caring approach. I was able to express my inner most thoughts comfortably, some that I hadn’t shared with anyone else. Every session, Jill taps into the heart of the matter very quickly, gracefully leading me to such deep layers of healing. With her guidance, I now welcome new opportunities for self-love and growth. I am forever grateful to her, my sessions with her have propelled me into a much happier, wholesome place in my life.”

-Sonia B.

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