What is EFT or Tapping?
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping), a form of Energy Psychology, is a scientifically validated somatic technique which excels at alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression, emotional trauma, PTSD, physical pain/discomfort, phobias, and at reducing and even eliminating cravings and unwanted behaviours. Read the following articles for more information: Frontiers article, Church, Stapleton, et al 2022 and The EFT Research Bibliography. Stuck energy, or ‘blocks,’ in the form of limiting beliefs, fears, and the fallout from traumatic experiences can create negatively charged energetic imprints in our minds and bodies. Over time, these imprints often make themselves known as negative or self-sabotaging behaviour, as well as diseases and disorders. Rooted in modern psychology and ancient acupuncture, EFT has a calming effect on the nervous system. Guided by the practitioner, clients tap with their fingertips on various acupoints, mainly on the upper body, while briefly recalling uncomfortable or painful memories or events. Tapping immediately counters the brain’s threat response by sending a soothing signal to that same area (the amygdala). This soothing signal is prioritized, turning off the brain’s alarm system. The wisdom and wider perspective of the subconscious mind is now accessible. Solutions to old problems alight in as flashes of insight, reminding us that the solution to every problem lies within each of us. EFT/Tapping reconnects the body’s wisdom with the thought and action-driven route to modern problem solving, creating a balanced and empowering viewpoint. EFT/Tapping has been proven to relieve suffering from even the longest held psychological and even physical pain (one key and often overlooked contributor to physical pain is buried emotional pain). Research has shown that EFT sessions with a certified practitioner often produces fast and long-lasting relief and healing. The client often reports feeling like the presenting issue wasn’t that big of a problem in the first place. Life becomes more peaceful.
Expect to be welcomed to a calm, gentle, and safe space where you can be yourself. We will take a few moments to discuss what you would like to work on/accomplish. I will then lead you through a short relaxing meditation along with a few breathing exercises. Following this, we will move into EFT/Tapping, where we will use our fingertips to apply gentle acupressure to various meridian points in a rhythmic flow of tapping and release. Our eyes will be open throughout so as to promote a feeling of grounding and safety in the here and now.
After just one session, you will have gained a valuable take-home tool for maintenance in between sessions and in your everyday life.
“Tapping has helped me to control panic and anxiety in daily life. It is a tool I have learned to use for myself in between sessions. When I become aware of spiralling thoughts, I breathe and activate a Tapping exercise. This has been instrumental in enhancing my feelings of control and trust in myself to manage and navigate my world.” -Beverly B.
The key is to be open, receptive, and collaborative, but it is not but it is not necessary to have a belief in a higher power. I find that it does help to be open to the possibility of a supportive force or energy, which can be known as The Universal Field of Intelligence, Creation or Source, for example. Neither ThetaHealing® nor EFT/Tapping have any religious affiliation.
Take a moment to think over what you would like to work on. I will lead as we explore the issue, pinpointing how it has created hidden blocks and hindered your progress through gentle and directive questioning. If you are not sure what you would like to work on, ask yourself, “If I could change anything in my life right now, what would it be?" Holding an intention of openness and readiness for positive change and healing will lead to a deeper experience.
Distance/Remote healing works on the principle of quantum entanglement, which demonstrates that everything in the universe is connected energetically. The healing energy and intention of the practitioner is transferred to the client through this connection, regardless of the physical distance between them. I am now booking remote sessions via Zoom.
I find the more comfortable you are physically, the more you can focus on the healing work. So yes, comfortable clothes are recommended.
"In the words of C.S. Lewis, “ You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” A search for healing brought me here. My EFT/Tapping session with Jill started with a genuine warmth and welcome. The environment Jill sets for the healing process is protective, proactive, loving, full of light. The process is tailored to you. The effect of EFT/Tapping is healing in REAL TIME. I felt better and better as we moved through our session as the physical manifestation of my pain lightened. EFT helped me to accelerate and compliment the protocols given to me by my primary care physician, leading me to a quicker return to a healthy, pain-free state. Jill’s unconditional commitment to facilitate healing is conveyed and felt in every session. I received a complete holistic and metaphysical healing transformation. Your quest for healing healing has brought you here, as mine did. Embrace an integrative approach, adding EFT/Tapping to your healing toolbox. Your healing is waiting for you!"
— Jeremiah N.